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What are truthy and falsy values in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, a value is considered “truthy” if it evaluates to true when evaluated in a boolean context. Conversely, a value is considered “falsy” if it evaluates to false when evaluated in a boolean context.

Here’s a breakdown of truthy and falsy values in JavaScript:

Truthy values:

  1. Non-empty strings: Any string with at least one character.
  2. Non-zero numbers: Any number except 0, including negative numbers and decimals.
  3. true: The boolean value true.
  4. Objects: Any non-null object or array, including empty objects and arrays.
  5. Functions: Any non-null function.

Falsy values:

  1. Empty strings: A string with no characters, represented as '' or "".
  2. 0: The number zero.
  3. NaN: Not-a-Number, a special value resulting from invalid operations.
  4. false: The boolean value false.
  5. null: The absence of any value or object.
  6. undefined: A variable that has not been assigned a value, or a function with no return value.
  7. Document.all: A legacy property that evaluates to false in modern browsers.

Here’s a simple illustration:

if ('hello') {
    console.log('Truthy'); // This will be printed

if (0) {
} else {
    console.log('Falsy'); // This will be printed

Understanding truthy and falsy values is important in JavaScript, especially when working with conditional statements or type coercion.

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